DMX-IT in action on "The Dukes of Hazzard" film set
Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. Your product is working out extremely well for me.
I would like you to send a quote for a new DMX-iT 512.
Warner Bros. has a very strict policy on purchase's. Thanks again for a really great product. The show name is, The Dukes of Hazzard
The compact size and battery operation makes DMX-IT ideal for field use

The battery box is easily accessed by loosening one screw and sliding out the battery tray. Screw and tray remain captive - no parts to drop!

Hand-held or easy to mount - wherever you need it!
Email us photos showing your DMX-IT lighting controllers in action for inclusion on this web page.
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Designed and manufactured in USA by Integrated Controls Inc. Prices, specifications, features and availability subject to change without notice